Ways to Social Change

Exploring Approaches to Community Engagement

As a result of the pandemic and social unrest in the Twin Cities, CCEL is deepening our commitment to utilizing the Social Change Wheel in new and different ways.

With so much remaining uncertain due to the pandemic, what has remained constant or even increased is the desire to connect with and care for each other. Our communities have grown and adapted, and will persist. This has inspired us to take this time to dive deeper into community engagement. Over the course of this academic year we will be exploring Ways to Social Change by amplifying our community partners’ work, connecting students to resources, and providing space for healing.

The Social Change Wheel, a framework first developed by Minnesota Campus Compact more than 20 years ago. This model has served since to help students, staff, faculty, and others consider the wide variety of means available to make social change and how they fit together with the work of higher education. Over the years, it has been used as a tool for facilitation, reflection, education, and planning.

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The theme will focus on advocacy, formal political activity, and organizing. We wanted to explore ways to use your voice to work towards social change.


During our final Ways to Social Change theme of the year, we will highlight the innovative ways that communities, organizations, and individuals are giving. We will focus on several sections of the Social Change Wheel including direct service, informal associations and mutual aid, fundraising and philanthropy, and community capacity and economic development.


The theme Dialogue focuses on elections, voting, formal political activities, community building, and deliberative dialogues.


As we approach the end of the academic year and look back at the events of the past 18 months, we should take time to reflect on the changes we have seen and look forward to the changes we would like to see. This theme encourages you to build community through reflection.


Grow your understanding and reflect on how we can come together to build stronger communities by making systemic change to our laws, policies, and practices in order to create a Minnesota that is more accountable, equitable, inclusive and just for all.


The Learn theme is focused on several different sections of the Social Change Wheel including raising public awareness about a social issue, deliberative and reflective dialogue, socially responsible daily behavior, and community-based research. Focusing on this theme allows us to continue educating ourselves and others, as well as collecting information from each other and from communities in order to create community focused solutions.


Get involved! Visit this page for a list of upcoming and past lobby days at the state capital.